
Dead space brethren moons explained
Dead space brethren moons explained

dead space brethren moons explained

As a result, he saw EarthGov's test labs and experiments on their own captive Marker copies as perversions of nature, and sought to free the Red Markers in an effort to undo the damage he believed the government had done. ĭanik believed that the creation of Marker replicas based on the original Black Marker was an intrinsic aspect of the human race, but that they needed to do so with respect and care for the Markers and the "natural evolution of the Universe".

dead space brethren moons explained dead space brethren moons explained

Using the expendable funds accumulated by the Church, his "Circle" sect believed that they were liberating humanity by "freeing" the Red Markers stationed on various colonized planets from the test labs set up by EarthGov. Join me as we take back our future - the future the Marker promises to us all." -Jacob Arthur Danik ĭanik was an active proponent in the Unitologist movement to overthrow the Earth Government Colonial Alliance, working alongside his brethren to compromise and attack their strongholds. By liberating the Markers we can end this cycle of death and begin the cycle of rebirth. But nature has ways of correcting itself. They have taken our sacred relic and turned it into a disease. They tamper with the Markers – making blasphemous copies as part of their secret research programs. When our prophet Michael Altman spoke out against them, he was silenced. History " When the Black Marker was first discovered on Earth so long ago, the government at the time hid all evidence of it from us.

Dead space brethren moons explained